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peer editing

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Writing can get really difficult, especially when you have no one to share your work with. Here at Pen&Quill, we have a dedicated team who is willing to read your work and provide detailed feedback on it for free! Peer editing is open to all writers between the ages of 12-21.

our raffle!

Our peer editing raffle is currently ongoing! For every piece you submit (up to 3 pieces), you will be assigned a raffle number. At the end of our raffle, we will randomly choose two raffle numbers, and our two winners will receive a $30 Barnes & Noble gift card as well as a letter from Pen&Quill. 

Steps of our Peer Editing

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First, you have to create your work! Then, edit it yourself. Read it out loud to yourself so you can hear how it sounds, put it through grammar checkers, and even share it with a friend. Make sure it's at your best so you can get the most effective feedback from us!

Write & Edit


we accept





The word limit for all submissions are 3,000 words. Please only submit up to 3 pieces for every 2 month period.

If you have any questions, please email us!



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